Plasma under the eyes and drooping eyelids

Stretch marks are one of the common beauty problems that many people struggle with. Usually caused by sudden weight changes, pregnancy, or rapid growth during adolescence, these stretch marks can affect the appearance of the skin and reduce a person’s self-confidence. But fortunately, advanced technologies such as plasma pen have come to help treat this problem effectively and non-invasively. In this article from Farin Bar, we will discuss the comprehensive treatment of stretch marks with plasma pen.

What is eyelid plasma therapy?

Eyelid plasma therapy is a non-invasive and innovative method to improve the appearance of the skin and eliminate drooping eyelids. Using a special device that produces plasma, this method affects the desired areas without the need for surgery. Plasma, which is the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas, causes surface changes in the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The result of this process is tightening of the skin, reduction of wrinkles and rejuvenation of the eyelid area. Because plasma therapy is non-invasive, does not require anesthesia and has a short recovery period, it has quickly gained popularity and is considered a suitable alternative to traditional surgical methods.

The use of plasma therapy for the eyelid

Eyelid plasma therapy has many uses in improving the beauty and rejuvenation of the eye area. This effective method is used to fix sagging upper and lower eyelids, lift around the eyes and reduce shallow and deep wrinkles. Also, plasma therapy can remove puffiness under the eyes and improve acne spots in the eye area without the need for surgery. In addition, it is used to remove any scars, pigment spots, non-cancerous lumps and small skin bumps. This non-invasive method by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin provides significant results in skin rejuvenation and beauty, and has become very popular due to its short recovery period and high safety.

How is plasma therapy for drooping eyelids?

Plasma therapy for drooping eyelids is performed using a special device. In this method, plasma, which is the fourth state of matter, affects the desired area by creating a small electric arc on the skin. This electric arc, without direct contact with the skin, stimulates the natural process of repair and production of collagen and elastin by creating very small points on its surface. This process tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles and eliminates sagging eyelids.

For whom is eyelid plasma therapy suitable?

Eyelid plasma therapy is very suitable for people who are looking for non-invasive methods to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of their eye area. This method is ideal for those who suffer from drooping eyelids, superficial and deep wrinkles, puffiness under the eyes and pimples. Also, people who have pigment spots, non-cancerous lumps and small skin bumps in the eye area can benefit from plasma therapy. Because this method does not require anesthesia and surgery, it is a suitable option for those who are afraid of surgery or are unable to perform surgery for medical reasons.

Who should not do eyelid plasma therapy?

Eyelid plasma therapy is not suitable for some people for various reasons and they should avoid this method. People with cold or flu symptoms, inflamed skin in the treatment area, or lupus and epilepsy should not undergo this procedure. Also, patients with diabetes or lymphatic drainage problems and people who are sunburned or tanned should wait 8 weeks for their skin to return to normal. People with a history of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation should avoid eyelid plasma therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence of these problems.

What are the advantages of eyelid plasma therapy?

Eyelid plasma therapy has become one of the most popular beauty procedures in the world due to its numerous benefits and quick effects. This method provides a comfortable and stress-free experience for clients due to the lack of anesthesia and pain during and after treatment. In addition, plasma therapy is an economical and effective solution for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes with a reasonable cost and high recovery rate. One of the distinctive features of this method is not thinning the skin, which helps to maintain its consistency and strength. The short recovery period of this procedure means a quick return to daily activities without the need for extended rest. Another significant advantage of plasma therapy is not leaving scars or burns, which preserves the natural beauty of the skin.

Complications of eyelid plasma therapy

After eyelid plasma therapy, the skin of the treated area may be red and swollen for a few days, which are part of the natural healing process and you should not worry. Also, up to a week after the treatment, thin crusts may fall from the eyelid area, which is not a serious issue. Another common side effect is itchy skin, which heals naturally. It is very important not to open the wounds in the eyelid area to prevent infection and scarring. These side effects are usually temporary and get better quickly with proper care.

final word

In the end, plasma therapy under the eyes to fix sagging eyelids, as one of the newest and most advanced methods of skin rejuvenation, has found a special place in the world of beauty with its unique features. Many advantages, such as no need for anesthesia, short recovery period and natural and fast results, make this method an attractive option for those who are looking for rejuvenation without surgery.

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